i can’t decide if this is pathetic or not…

August 31, 2006

i must tell you–I–have become quite the hermit crab.  i mean, it’s no secret, i don’t go out much and prefer small groups to crowds, and in all actuality become more introverted by the day, but this gives me pause…

apparently, my phone service has been turned off for the last 6 hours.  i didn’t even notice.

if you call my phone right now, you get “the Sprint customer you are trying to reach is currently a bunk bitch whose broke ass didn’t pay his bill.  if he’d keep his shit straight, this might not of happened.”

that’s a little embarrassing, but really i guess i’m more concerned with the fact that i just didn’t notice.  granted, i was in class and on the bike most of the day, but outside of work, do i really not talk to anyone?

looking over my call log, not including work calls [wonder how many of those i missed] or calls from my dad, i consistantly talk to 4 people–my buddy matt that i workout with, ben, ruth, and brook [chuck]…

so, at the most, i missed four phone calls.  that’s not so bad… i guess; maybe.

i just keep thinking that this would be the one night that kate beckinsale decides to call……

27 Responses to “i can’t decide if this is pathetic or not…”

  1. Apocrypha said

    I too am in a very similiar mindset these days. Which is also part of my lack of posting on my own. I just need to sort through some things and then maybe I’ll back out and join the outside world.

  2. Mike said

    Now you know why I got rid of my cell-phone. A whole year without one… I don’t miss it at all.

  3. mikes — is this lull some form of depression?

  4. Claire said

    You have not yet linked me.
    I am sad. Also, I know where you live….

  5. Mike said

    Right now it’s withdrawal… from the ever diminishing social life.

    Come back to me in a few weeks and we’ll see.

  6. Sabrina_C said

    You know, I might have been piss drunk and tried to call you. Maybe. At least we know the odds of me being drunk are really high–therefore the odds of me calling you are astronomical.

  7. sab c — right on; hell, if that’s the case, you might have tried calling twice.

    grace — really?

    mike — keep us posted.

    claire — you are now in the blogroll

  8. hey maybe I’m just now noticing, but I like your header-thing. (where it says half-assed …)

    Well I fit in your same dilema at the moment. People still call me, but my circle of friends has dramatically changed since graduation/college obviously. Seriously though, I’m down to my 3 or 4 good friends instead of the 15 or 20 that I would normally hang out with.

    It really sucks. Damn you, Fayetville.

  9. Apocrypha said

    Depression is, or was for me, giving up on everything and not leaving the room. There is a fine but distinguishing line between wanting to be alone and depression.

  10. Angela said

    Get a bike. You’ll go out everyday. I’ve barely been home since I got mine.

  11. foXX said

    i got over my paranoia of being a semi hermit a long time ago, when the thinking about it too much dragged me into depression. it was hard for me because all my close friends were people that needed to be around people all the time, im the oposite, i need to be by myself most of the time, and occasionally hang out. i go thru phases, but, the majority of the time i’d rather be alone. when you really think about it, it’s not such a big deal, it’s just you, the way you are and if you dont care then who gives a fuck?

    as far as it being depression, or leading to depression, like mike said, wait it out. more than anything it’ll be your mindset. i think it becomes a form of depression when you cant physically change it, when you want something different but cant even be bothered to fucking move an inch to get something different, if that makes any sense.

    i dunno. ive programmed people to leave me alone, took them awhile to accept, but it worked!

  12. angela – what are you, the only person in blogsphere who doesn’t know i ride?… i’ve put 12,000 miles on my bike since i bought it in may ’04.

    lost sanity – i really don’t have a problem with the way i am, cause with me it’s a phase also. for me, this whole thing was an observation, half hearted at best, about how you get so wrapped in everything you’re doing that “the outside” really just drifts farther and farther away.

  13. bridgetmarie said

    Thought I’d leave a quick comment since you always ask me why I don’t…I hope you had a great holiday weekend! (I like your header, how did ya do that?)

  14. Angela said

    only 12? i’ve put almost 1000 on mine and i bought it tuesday.

  15. Lauren said

    I vary a lot whether I want to be around people. I got social phobia, so some of the time I go out of my way to avoid people (that’s why I’m surprised two people I graduated with somehow remembered me!) while others, when the meds decide to kick in, make me want to be around people. I can socialize alrightish now for the most part, but I still perfer to be on my own…

  16. Meranda said

    Cell phones are over-rated. I mean, the only real reason you would need them is to call 911 if there has been a car accident or use it to call for help if your lost. Other than that they’re useless.

    You see people talking on they’re cell while there driving, and most likely they are driving to where that person is on the other line. Is there something that important that cannot wait? I guess not.

    I lost mine. I only used it to call cabs when I go out…and whats funny is I lost it at a bar, left it in the bathroom.

  17. Grace said

    Blogs are overrated
    People are overrated
    Emotions are overrated
    Relationships are overrated
    Love is overrated
    Hate is overrated
    Indifference is understated.

    Your phone working yet? Where’s costa?

  18. Sunshine said

    Kate Beckinsale is so amazingly hot. She got even hotter after having a kid, strangely enough.

  19. yeah, her and scarlet make me very happy.

  20. Mike said

    scarlett and jessica alba should have a mudwrestling match to see who the hottest woman in hollywood is…

  21. ive been saying that for years mike

  22. cristina said

    Nobody ever calls me except my best friend, my parents, my other friend, and the brit from time to time.

    I don’t know what else to say.

  23. not going to drill anymore, going to fayetteville.

  24. Yeah, I heard about that. I’m sure you had a much better time.

  25. foXX said

    scarlett would kill alba

    hopefully atleast!

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